XXRefNoYY XXSenderRefNoYY |
Dear XXContactNameYY, Thanks for your rate request and for thinking of us. Please find below the quotations for our best rate as per your request. |
This quotation is valid for the weight and volume listed only. Final charges will be based on actual weight and volume. |
This rate includes: XXIncludedListYY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The above rate excludes: XXExcludedListYY |
Below are our accessorial rate charges. These will only be charged if any of the services will be necessary for delivery:
Note: Universal Relocations requires clear instructions as to who will be responsible for any extra costs.
.consignment of shipment to our care will indicate acceptance of our terms and conditions of this quotation.
Important Information Regarding Your Move
Upon acceptance of this quote, please review the following details and required documentation below:
Consign to:
Transferee Name (as it appears on passport) and address in the U.S.A.
Notify party:
Universal Relocations Inc.
343 New Road, Unit # 4 Parsippany, NJ 07054
Please send all completed documents to shominique@universalrelocations.com
Thank you for allowing Universal Relocations the opportunity to submit this proposal. We look forward to assisting you! This quotation is valid for (60) days. Once expired, please contact us for a revised quotation.
If you are not a member of FIDI or credit has not been established with Universal Relocations in advance, then payment is required in advance prior to delivery of the goods.
Documents required for (non-diplomatic) clearance:
Documents required for diplomatic clearance:
Shipment Confidentiality
In accordance with U.S. customs regulations, vessel manifest information is made public at each port of entry a shipment passes through. If the transferee does NOT wish for their information to be made public, they may request confidential treatment for a two-year period by submitting a letter to vesselmanifestconfidentiality@cbp.dhs.gov. For further instructions, please visit the U.S. Customs’ Confidential Treatment of Vessel Manifest Data webpage.
Importer Security Filing (ISF)
The Importer Security Filing, or the 10+2 rule, requires the following information be submitted to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol in the U.S. 24 hours prior to loading a container on a vessel at a foreign port. This rule is applicable to all HHE and AUTO shipments via Surface and does not apply to Air Freight shipments. All cargo destined for the U.S., must have the ISF filled with U.S. Customs prior to loading the vessel at the foreign port.
Enclosed, you will find our Importer Security Filing 10+2 Form. Please complete this form and return to your Universal Relocations Move Manger no later than the shipment’s origin residence load date to ensure you are compliant. Any penalties due to the tardiness of these documents will be your responsibility. Fines range from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $25,000.
Should you choose to file your own ISF, we require a copy of the completed ISF to finalize the U.S. Customs entry. Please provide this to us along with the required customs documents, visa and passport.
Enforcement of ISF - Penalties:
For all shipments sailing from overseas ports, full penalties will be assessed. Examples of penalties could be assessed as follows:
· As noted above, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol will begin issuing penalty assessments of up to $5,000 per error or failure to file a correct report in a timely manner. These fines can be issued for multiple penalties on the same booking. For example, a shipment filed late, with the incorrect bill of lading number and incorrect sailing date could have a penalty of $10,000 for this single shipment Currently, the total penalty is not capped.
Common Errors:
Missing or incorrect destination address. The address listed on the ISF form for final delivery must be the same address as provided to the Ocean Carrier and the same as the client lists on the 3299 Supplemental Declaration. We can update this after sailing, but it must be completed 24 hours prior to arrival in first U.S. port of call. Customs could issue two fines up to $10,000 for a late update or lack of destination address.
No passport number. Although we can submit the report without a passport number, this must be received and updated prior to the shipment arriving in the first U.S. port of call. Customs could issue two fines up to $10,000, due to no passport number and mismatch of name.
Client's name on the bill of lading is different from the name and passport number listed on the ISF. While we are responsible for filing this information, the category of the shipment may change in the eyes of the customs inspector from used household goods to a transfer of ownership as a commodity. The change of status may change the ability to enter the goods duty free. This could result in a fine of up to $10,000.
ISF Form submitted to Universal Relocations without the ocean carrier name or SCAC code. Though we can submit initially with another carrier, this must be received and updated prior to the shipment arriving in the first U.S. port of call. A carrier mismatch to B/L may occur preventing acceptance of the ISF report. Since multiple errors would occur, customs could reject the report and deny entry into the US with penalties of up to $10,000.
Bioterrorism Act
Please be advised that under the Bioterrorism Act the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued
If food or alcohol must be included in the shipment, please make sure that you check with our office in advance. All lists of food & alcohol should include the manufacturer's name and address with postal code. Customs will reject the entry if all of their requested information is not provided. The customer will be responsible for filing the prior notice directly online with the information required. It may be possible to have a U.S. Customs broker file this on behalf of your customer; however, there are additional charges as most brokers charge per line item.
ISPM 15 Heat Treated Wood Regulations
All wood packing materials (lift vans, crates, etc.) coming into the United States must be treated and marked. Any wood packing material not treated and marked properly may be subject to immediate export upon arrival to the United States. For further details, visit the United States Department of Agriculture website.
Clean Truck Act
Please note that if the goods are routed via the state of California, the Clean Truck Act will charge $35.00 for 20' container or less and $70.00 for a 40' container and higher. Please note that the goods do not have to depart or arrive directly from California to be affected by this rule. The Clean Truck Act will apply if shipment arriving to West Coast ports are destined to the East Coast via rail.
Importer Security Filing 10 + 2 Form
A new Importer Security Filing (ISF), or the 10+2 rule, was implemented by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. The ISF requires the following information be submitted to the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol in the United States 24 hours PROIR TO LOADING a container on a vessel at a foreign port. In order to comply with these regulations, we must have the completed information returned to Universal Relocations no later than the residence load date.
Universal Relocations Inc
New Jersey ,Georgia ,California ,Texas .