- Insurance: we are able to offer you & your customer an “all risks”, door to door. Please advise value of the hhg, and if needed, we will add the service to our quote.
- Be reminded that surcharges are excluded and will be billed at cost + 20%
Services Included
- Delivery of packing materials
- Professional packing
- Disassembling of furniture
- Crating (LCL Shipments)
- Transportation to port of exit
- Export customs clearance
- Export port handling charges
Services Excluded
- Ocean freight
- Special crating for delicate items
- Abnormal access
- Heavy items handling
- Crane or outside elevator
- Customs taxes & duties
- Storage & demurrage
- THC & local charges at destination port
- Maritime surcharges (BAF, War Risk, etc.)
Terms and Conditions
We will behappy to extend a credit of 30 days for partners who have established priorcredit terms with us. We will handle all other consignments on prepaid basis
Lookingforward to hear from you.
Have a niceday :)
Best regards

Tel ph nr+47 900 32 458
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