·       Normal import customs clearance

·       Haulage of the container from POE of discharge to client's residence

·       Delivery including unloading with normal access (up to 2nd floor ) + unpacking + setting up of furniture, and removal of debris the same day of delivery

·       Assistance to the EUROMOVE management throughout the operation.


·        Shuttle, long carry, stair carry

·        Insurance

·        Customs duties and taxes

·        Storage and demurrage

·        Outside elevator

·        Handling of heavy items , piano ...

·        BL transfer fees


DTHC:  Included in FCL and Air rates; For LCL - Usually is 40 to 60 euros per cbm and will be invoiced to you at cost


Our price is based on volume or weight requested and is guaranteed for a period of 3 months.

Please do not hesitate to ask us for any details.  We remain at your entire disposal and guarantee you the best service. We work with embassies, consulates, multi-national companies and many particular people who trust us for long time and are still working with us from the beginning.

Payment Terms: 100% before delivery


Consignment Instructions 


Name of the client as seen on passeport 


Parc d'activitÈs Oukacha 1 N°14 2 Ëme Etage Batiment E

Boulevard Moulay Slimane - Casablanca,Morocco 

GSM : 00-212-662-198-909

TEL : 00-212-522-342-035

FAX : 00-212-522-342-036


Notify: Same as consignee





2, Bd Moulay Slimane, H 57 Angle Rue N° B et Rue 3-25 AllÈe des Araucarias de la premiËre tranche du Parc d'activitÈs Oukacha 1.

TÈl : +212 522 342 035- + 212 522 665 648 Fax : +212 522 342 036-Gsm : +212 661 961 555

SARL au Capital de 100.000 DH - RC Casa 233591 - Patente 37951042 - IF 40264997 - CNSS 8697586 –

ICE: 000081977000064

