Rates include

Customs clearance

Delivery of HHG’s


Normal assembly

Removal of debris


Rates exclude

Customs duty

Handling fees of heavy items

Additional charges due to poor access

(shuttle/ long carry/ above ground level)


Special handyman

Curtain fixing

Delivery above 2nd floor using stairs

Labor: KWD 12.00 p/Labor

Packer: KWD 15.00 p/Packer


Best Regards,


Chris Syffert |  Manager Relocation
Mob: +965 9675 8397 | Ph: +965 2207 0005, 2207 0006 | Ext: 170
Fax:  +965 2471 2886 | Skype: chris.fll
P.O Box 314, Farwaniya 81014, Kuwait
Email : chris.syffert@frontlinerelo.com | www.frontlinerelo.net

An ISO 9001: 2015 | ISO 14001: 2015 | OHSAS 18001: 2007 Company

Kuwait | UAE | KSA | Qatar | Bahrain | Iraq | Lebanon | Oman | Afghanistan | 

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