
Export customs clearance, export packing incl. packing material, standard furniture dismantling, loading (good access), bulk load, linehaul to POD, ocean freight


Not included

-          Pick-up above 1st floor with no elevator

-          Long carry exceeding 15m, shuttle, parking permit, outside elevator

-          Heavy items handling or crating (if not specified)

-          Weekend services

-          Any third party job

-          Any storage charges

-          Insurance


Any questions, please let me know.


We are happy to extend Creditfor Members of the FIDI and/or HARMONY Organisations and Agents who have established prior credit terms with Kehrli + Oeler AG. For all other agents and partners we will require pre-payment.


Good Luck!



Freundliche Grüsse /meilleures salutations / kind regards

Kehrli + Oeler AG
Angela Mirams
Managing Director - Member of the Board

Direct Phone  +41 (0)44 866 32 15