Origin Service Rate (USD) |
XXRefNoYY | Issue Date: XXDateYY | Validity: 30 Days |
XXPartnerNameYY |
Attn: XXContactNameYY |
Email: XXPartnerEmailYY |
Project Description |
Services: |
XXServiceLevelYY |
Origin: |
XXLocationYY |
Cargo: |
XXCargoTypeNameYY |
Commodity: |
XXCommodityNameYY |
Transport: |
XXShippingModeNameYY |
Size: |
XXQuantityYY |
Origin Services to port XXPOD1YY |
XXOrPrice1YY |
Freight Rate from XXPOD1YY to XXDestinationPortYY |
XXFrPrice1YY |
Total |
XXPrice1YY |
IMPORTANT! This quote was generated automatically based on your input.
It does not refer to free text entered in the Special Request text box!!
Alternatives | |
Origin Services to port XXPOD2YY (EXC. Freight Rate!!) |
XXPrice2YY |
Origin Services to port XXPOD3YY (EXC. Freight Rate!!) |
XXPrice3YY |
IMPORTANT! This quote was generated automatically based on your input. It does fer to free text entered in the Special Request text box!!
* XXSurchargesYY
Our rate is valid for sixty days from the date of quoting. However, the freight rate may change due to GRI from the shipping line / airline or fluctuation of the currency exchange rate
Terms of payment: |
Fidi and Harmony Members 30 days from invoice date. |
If you need any other information, do not hesitate to contact me.
Med vänlig hälsning / Best regards / Tres cordialement
Fredrik Jonsson
Stadsbudskontoret AB // SBK Moving
Örnsköldsvik | Stockholm | Cannes
Västmannagatan 43 | 113 25 Stockholm | Sweden
Ph. +46 (0)8 645 04 40 | Mob. +46 (0)8 12 13 13 56