Our quote is valid for this shipment only - it includes:

  1. Full service for receiving shipment upon arrival at the port/ airport Jebel Ali/ Dubai.
  2. Payment of delivery order fees and normal terminal handling charges.
  3. Completion of all customs formalities to include customs documentation & inspection within the port/ airport.
  4. Supply of professional packers to unload, unpack and assist during customs inspection.
  5. Direct delivery to the residence based on normal access, unloading, unpacking, placement of the effects to nearest flat surface & removal of waste packing material on the day of delivery.


Our quote is valid for this shipment only, it excludes: 

  1. Customs Inspection charges  which is excluded in our rates also customs duties/taxes, if applicable.
  2. Deconsolidator/ NVOCC charges, port/ airport demurrage, any surcharges, if applicable.
  3. Delivery beyond the 1st floor level, long stair carry in the absence of service elevators, abnormal/difficult access requiring shuttle services or hire of special equipment for unloading at the residence.
  4. Assembling of furniture which requires the services of a specialist.
  5. Any other third party services.


Documentation Required 

  1. Copy of the AWB/ An original Bill of Lading or a copy of the bill of lading if shipment is sent on an Express Release or Sea waybill.
  2. A clear copy of owner’s passport & UAE residence visa in absence kindly check for alternative papers with our office
  3. A clear copy of the packing list.
  4. Original or copy of the insurance policy, if shipment is insured.
  5. Your waybill with shippers contact address/phone nos. and e-mail address with specific billing instructions attaching a copy of this quotation.
  6. Additional documentation required for customs clearance (authorization letters) would be obtained directly from consignee.
  7. All required documents from origin must be received by us at least 7 days prior to arrival of the shipment at airport/ port.


It normally takes 4-5 working days to customs clear FCL shipments and 2-3 days to clear air shipments provided all documents are in order and are received well in advance.


Import Regulations/Customs Clearance in Brief 

  1. Shipment may be screened or inspected, which is at the discretion of the Customs officials.
  2. Shipper must be in UAE on day of customs clearance.
  3. Customer’s presence may be required at the port/ airport during customs inspection.
  4. All prohibited items are liable for confiscation and may be destroyed without consignees consent. Re-export of the items is not possible and would not be our responsibility.
  5. CDs/ DVDs will be detained for screening.
  6. No PBO cartons or packages” to be included in the shipment.


Prohibited Items  

  1. Any type of pornographic material.
  2. Alcoholic beverages including fine wines.Medicines and medical drugs (only prescription drugs in limited quantities).
  3. Wireless transmitters/receivers, satellite antennas.
  4. Firearms, ammunition, explosives and any type of weapons including swords and daggers.
  5. Any narcotic/psychotropic substances.
  6. Any items of ivory, skins of animals banned by the WWF or on the endangered list.


Payment Terms 

FIDI/OMNI and partners who have agreed Credit Terms are allowed a credit for 30 days from the date of invoice for services, all others would have to pre-pay their charges for destination services prior to delivery. Payment is accepted via Bank Transfer only; no cheques/drafts would be accepted.


Our quote is valid for 60 days from today and can be re-validated only upon request.


Please do not dispatch any shipment without our green light.  If the shipment arrives at terminal on either Thursday, Friday or any holidays we lose the free days and extra charges of terminal rent will apply.


Kindly refer to rules, regulations, documentation & other requirements for UAE which can be downloaded from our website.


We trust you will find our quotation competitive. If you have any queries or require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us.


Thank you for the opportunity to quote to you and look forward to working with you on this move.



Kind Regards,

Seronha Ferrao| Manager- Customer Service & International Business Direct: |Mob: +971 50 5510394 |Tel: +971 4 8070583 | Fax: +971 4 8070580

Email: seronha.ferrao@interemrelocations.com |Skype : Seronha |Web: www.interemrelocations.com