Quote |
Quote #: 6534 (Your Ref#: 6534 ) | Issue Date: 07 Feb 2025 |
Alfa Omega World Movers İnş. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti |
Attn: Ensar |
Email: ensar@alfaomegaworld.com |
Shipping Options and Prices |
Service | Mode | Commodity | Size | Location | Port | Rate |
Standard Destination Service | Sea / 20' container | HHG & PE | 18 CBM | Newark, NJ | New York, NY | $US 2250 |
Please note: This quote was generated automatically by the Rate-Wizard and it is based on cargo size and location. It might not include special requests (if any) that you specified in your request. Please check "Terms and Conditions" below for inclusions/exclusions.
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Our Rates Include:
Our Rates Exclude:
Note: Shipments to
Alaska, Guam, and Hawaii must be loaded in lift vans based on actual volume. Payment Terms 30 days credit is provided
for FIDI members upon request. If you are not a member or if credit has not
already been established with Universal Relocations, then payment is required
prior to delivery of the shipment. This quotation is valid for
60 days, as per the currency exchange rate of today. Once expired, please
contact us for a revised quotation. Documents Required:
Thank you for providing Universal Relocations
the opportunity to submit this proposal. We look forward to being of service to you! Debra | Pricing Manager Email: debra@universalrelocations.com United States of America |
New Jersey, Maryland, Georgia, Texas, California Federal Maritime Commission
(FMC) #025083NF Disclaimer: Please note that
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Relocations Inc. has accreditations covering quality of service and is
committed to a strict anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy. For more
information, please visit our website: www.universalrelocations.com. |