Origin Quote
Quote #: 2025/1/24    (Your Ref#: LUIPER-01 ) Issue Date:   23 Jan 2025

Relive Global
Attn: Eduardo Livoni B.
Email: comercial.cr@reliveglobal.com

Thank you for your request. Please find below our prices for your request.
Please feel free to contact us with any question or clarification.

Shipping Options and Prices
Standard Origin Service + Freight Sea / 40' container HHG & PE + Vehicle(Pickup from customer house) 4590 Lbs ; 20 CBM Mexico City San Jose, Costa Rica $US 4781
Standard Origin Service + Freight Sea / 20' container HHG & PE 4590 Lbs ; 20 CBM Mexico City San Jose, Costa Rica $US 4266
Freight Sea / 40' container HHG & PE + Vehicle 20 CF Veracruz San Jose, Costa Rica $US 2210
Freight Sea / 20' container HHG & PE 20 CF Veracruz San Jose, Costa Rica $US 1750

*Shuttle is required from residence to our warehouse in Mexico City USD$450.00 due to difficult access for containers. 
*WWHH will apply one time if we do not have Green Light after finish packing and shipment needs to be at Storage "in transit" USD$12.00 per cbm net.
*SIT 30 days free of charge
*We do need to perform a Survey to confirm final volume and extras - no extra charge.

Please note: This quote was generated automatically by the Rate-Wizard and it is based on cargo size and location. It might not include special requests (if any) that you specified in your request. Please check "Terms and Conditions" below for inclusions/exclusions.

Important! The Rate Wizard could not generate prices for the shipment(s) below. Thelsa Mobility Solutions will response to you by email with the required rate(s).
CommodityShipping ModeCargo TypeSizeLocationPOE/AOERate
HHG & PE Sea 20' container 4590 Net Lbs, 20 Net CBM Mexico City San Jose, Costa Rica Will be provided

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Terms and Conditions