Destination Quote
Quote #: RW Quote 2025/1/8    Issue Date:   10 Jan 2025

Asia Relocation
Attn: Caroline Ribay

Project Description


Destination Service




20' container


HHG & PE + Vehicle(Handhout from depo)




441 Kgs ; 5 CBM


Your rate from POE Antwerp EUR 1350


Services Included

Services Excluded

• Uplift consignment from terminal to transitional facility and returning to terminal

• Demurrage/detention/bond fees (if applicable)

• Standard Customs and Quarantine Clearances (to client account as above if not pre-paid)

• Duty/Sales Taxes (if required)

• Up to 5 calendar days free time at POE from date of arrival (IMO only 2 days)

• Port (THC), NVOCC (LCL), Handling Charges and Delivery Order Fees (if applicable)

• Delivery to residence/store up to level one (excluding lifts)

• Customs and/or Quarantine inspection and associated transport costs

• Unwrapping of wrappings, setting up of easily assembled basic items

• Heavy items such as Pianos, Safes, Spa Pools, etc…

• Same day removal of debris

• Additional debris removal /collection


• Clearance of new purchased imported items € 85,- per document




Additional Charges



Port (THC), NVOCC (LCL), and Airline Handling fees are excluded. If these are not prepaid, they will be collected from the consignee/agent at the following rates + 10% administration cost:

•  20’ – 40’ FCL

€ 345,-


• Groupage

€ 24,- per cbm (min.€ 85,-)


• Airline handling fees

€ 285,- per consignment



€ 85 - € 110 per cbm (min 3cbm)


• IMO shipment per container

€ 85,- + € 45,- ADR trucking


Please notice these rates exclude Port Security/Carrier, Admin & Documentation.






• FCL storage handling (in+out, one fee)

20’ € 450,-

• FCL storage

20’ € 60,- / week

• Car

€ 60,- per week

• Motor Cycle/Jet Skis

€ 30,- / week

• Groupage/ Baggage Storage handling (one off fee) 

€ 14,- per cbm (min € 42,-)

• Groupage/ Baggage Storage 

€ 3,- per cbm / week (min. € 25,)






Other Charges



• Uplift consignment Left Bank 

€ 110

• Stair carry / long distance

€ 15,- per cbm
(more than 10 steps or 25mtr walk).

• Elevator surcharge

€ 280,- flat, per day/per address upto 4th floor (5th floor US standard), higher levels on request.

• Parking

€ 250,- euro per address (5 working days reservation)

• Pianos

Baby Grand:

€ 220,- 
€ 500,- 
€ 600,- base on single level delivery


• Disposal of crates or lift vans 

€ 35,- per crate, or per cbm

• Handyman (min 2 men) for IKEA and or lusters, paintings 

€ 45,- per hour (min. 4 hours).

• Delivery of cars and vehicles by tow truck 

€ 480,-










Specific information

• The letter of employment from the origin country should include the beginning and ending dates of employment and beginning date of employment in the EU (for non-EU-citizen only).


• Negligence in providing these documents before the arrival of the shipment at Port of Antwerp could impact the items being declared for tax and duties (only refundable within 6 months.). Non-refundable provisional customs clearance will also be charged for € 235.




Cars, Documents Required

• Original Registration Card / Export Certificate

• Color copy of Purchase Invoice / Sales Contract

• Certificate of Insurance from origin country for at least 6 months prior to ETA


Specific information


• Declaration form owner must state that the vehicle has been in his or her possession for more than 6 months, the approximate current value and that the vehicle is not for resale.

• Vehicles are subject of separate clearance, and a bond is applicable. Transit and final clearance will be charged € 235. Client will receive final exoneration from local custom office.















Customs Regulations And Information For Imports For All EU Countries (Deed of Schengen excl.CH)

Personal Documents Required 

• Original Bill of Lading (OBL) / Express Release / Air Waybill (AWB)

• Packing list

• Color copy of Passport showing photograph and signature

• Detailed inventory, valued and signed + declaration that the goods have been in clients possession for more than 6 months (by ours).

• Letter of Employment from the origin country stating that the customer has been employed outside the European Union for a period of at least 1 year (by client)

• Certificate for Free Entry or Visa (for non-EU citizen, issued by the Embassy or Consulate of the EU country of destination)

• Certificate of Residence issued by local EU town hall of EU city of residence (for all citizen)

• Certificate of Change of Residence (returning EU citizen only) issued by the local town hall where the client lived prior to departure abroad





It’s in interest of shipper to inform us with above information prior to shipping it and to avoid delays, inspection and/or unnecessary storage costs



Consignee Details

Notify Party

PO/clients name
ERDO bvba
To att of Erik Dockx
Londenstreet 38

Tel +32 3 233 06 11
Mobile +32 477 49 60 30

Email address:


ERDO bvba
To att of Erik Dockx
Londenstreet 38

Tel +32 3 233 06 11
Mobile +32 477 49 60 30

Email address: