Destination Quote
Quote #: 2024/7/259    (Your Ref#: 77990 ) Issue Date:   09 Jul 2024

Legend International Transport, LLC
Attn: Izzy Lerner

Thank you for your request. Please find below our prices for your request.

Duty and VAT is estimated as approx $ 900 for vehicle value of $ 8500.

Please feel free to contact us with any question or clarification.

Project Description


Standard Destination Service


Abu Dhabi


40' container


HHG & PE + Vehicle(Handhout from depo)




900 CF


Your rate from POE Jebel Ali $US 1,600

IMPORTANT!  This quote was generated automatically by the Rate-Wizard and it is based on cargo size and location. It might not include special requests (if any) that you specified in your request. Please check "Terms and Conditions" below for inclusions/exclusions.

Need more rates? Just Click here whenever you need an instant rate (24x7)!

Service included:

DP World Charges, Customs clearance / Bill of Entry, Container transportation to residence with easy access, Gate Pass and basic inspection, Delivery, Offloading, Basic assembly, Empty return


Service excluded:

Insurance, DTHC / DO, Arrival charges, Valet services & Handyman, Handling of oversize/overweight (More than 60kg) items (Piano, Pool Table, Safe etc), Long Carry, Split/second pick up & delivery, Stair Carry above 01st floor, Public Holiday packing & delivery, External Elevator, Shuttle Services, Duty/VAT/full inspection


Additional costs:

Shuttle Service, if required - $ 100 / trip

Long carry and basement = $ 85 / day

Staircase carry = $ 6 / cbm ( $ 30 min. )


Taxes and Liner charges:

DTHC        $ 325 ( 20 ft ) approx.

                  $ 425 ( 40 ft ) approx.

DO            $125

Duty          5 % on CIF

VAT           5 % on cost + duty


Thanks and Regards

Aeon Shipping LLC
+971 600 500 509 | +971 564 662 691 | | | 

WCA ID: 130185

Dubai Investment Park - 1, Gate No 8, Block WH, Warehouse 1, 2 & 3 - Dubai