Destination Quote
Quote #: MR844-2024    Issue Date:   10 May 2024

Mude Move +
Attn: Fabiano Perdigao

Thank you for your request. Please find below our prices for your request.
Please feel free to contact us with any question or clarification.

Project Description


Standard Destination Service




Air Van








Your rate from AOE Milan terminal Malpensa Euro 1,010

IMPORTANT!  This quote was generated automatically by the Rate-Wizard and it is based on cargo size and location. It might not include special requests (if any) that you specified in your request. Please check "Terms and Conditions" below for inclusions/exclusions.

Need more rates? Just Click here whenever you need an instant rate (24x7)!

Services included and excluded




Ø       Import customs procedures

Ø       Pick up from the port/airport and transportation to final residence, delivery to be done on same day 

Ø Handling at the airport, customs warehouse, unloading taxes to be paid at cost 

Ø       Unloading (normal access up to 1st floor)

Ø       Unpacking of furniture and basic reassembly and removal of debris at time of delivery

Ø       Unpacking of fragile boxes only on flat surface and removal of debris at time of delivery

Ø       Validity of the estimate 30 days

Ø       Higher volume than required

Ø       Unpacking of non-fragile boxes and removal of debris at time of delivery

Ø       Delivery over 1st floor residence, difficult access, long carry, stairs carry, shuttle service, external elevator, parking permits and reservation

Ø       Connection of electrical/electronic appliances and where a specialist is required

Ø       Deliveries required on non-working time/days, during the weekend, on Sunday or during public holidays

Ø       Storage and warehouse handling in & out

Ø       Insurance coverage

Ø       Handling of heavy items (i.e. pianos, safes, pool tables, etc.)

Ø       Handyman service, reassembly of furniture that requires the specialist, settlement of contents, assembly of new furniture

Ø       Disposal service (estimate upon request)



Additional fees (where applicable)



-       THC/ATHC** at destination (the cost is to be confirmed accordingly to the shipping line used for the freight.

-       Do not prepay import THC on LCL/AIR shipments as they will be debited in any case

-       If THC on FCL shipments are prepaid, please consider a fee of Euro 120,00 as agency fees

-       Documents issued by customs authorities

-       Deconsolidation fees. Deconsolidation on LCL to be paid as per receipt. 

-       Inspections, security exams, X-Ray exams, etc.

-       Demurrages at Customs warehouses, demurrages (container detention + parking on customs area) over the free period allowed by the shipping company

-       Taxes and duties, customs operation in abeyance duty, customs fees on new items


**: This cost is approximate and could be subject to modification independently from KGS

      All fees must be subject to additional + VAT 22% if invoiced to the client in Italy



Clearance time


The timing indicated below is approximate considering that all required documents are available and complete. The actual time is subject to changes without notice.


Sea shipment (FCL)

3-5 working days


Sea shipment (LCL)

10-14 working days


Air shipment

3 working days






Client’s full name as in passport

Full origin address



King Global Services Srl

Via Polveriera, 41

20026 Novate Milanese (MI) – Italy

Ph.: +39 02 270.17.574




To be confirmed






Client’s full name as in passport

Full origin address



King Global Services Srl

Via Polveriera, 41

20026 Novate Milanese (MI) – Italy

Ph.: +39 02 270.17.574




To be confirmed





All shipment consigned to King Global Services should be adequately insured prior shipping to destination port.

King Global Services would only act as your destination delivery agent to deliver the shipment and we are not liable for

any damage in transit, at the port or upon delivery.





If booked, please send us by email to :


-       Acceptance of our proposal

-       Your full invoicing details together with your VAT number / Business Registration Number

-       Client's details, packing list translated in English, passport copy


Do not proceed to ship until you will receive our Green Light.


Payment Terms

Payment is required in our account before the import clearance is completed. Wire transfer fee at both ends will be borne by senders. Please add Euro 35,00 bank charge.



ATTENTION: There may be unexpected delays or additional charges due to the ongoing disruption caused by the coronavirus desease COVID-19




Marta Rivolta

Commercial Director




Via Polveriera, 41

20026 Novate Milanese (MI) – Italy

Mobile: +39 351 952.78.22

Phone: +39 02 270.17.574


Warehouse opening hours: Mon-Fri 08.00-12.00 / 13.00-16.00


ATTENTION: There may be unexpected delays or additional charges due to the ongoing disruption caused by the coronavirus desease COVID-19

ATTENZIONE: Potrebbero esserci inaspettati ritardi o costi aggiuntivi dovuti alla continua interruzione causata dalla malattia coronavirus COVID-19

ATTENTION: Il peut y avoir des retards inattendus ou de scouts supplémentaires en raison de l’interruption continue causée par la maladie de coronavirus COVID-19


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NOTICE: The content of the e-mails is to be considered confidential. Therefore, the information in them or in any attachments contained are reserved solely for the recipients. Persons or data subjects other than the recipients themselves are not authorized to read, copy modify, nor disseminate the message to third parties. Whoever receives a notification from us by mistake must not use it or let anyone know about it, but must delete it from their inbox and inform the sender. Furthermore, pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR 679/2016, we infor, you that the Data Controller is King Global Services Srl, based in Via Polveriera, 41 – 20026 Novate Milanese (MI), VAT number 11485920968 and that your e-mail address is in our archives due to previous notifications and will be used according to the willingness of those interested in receiving e-mail communications from our company. We also inform you that the requirements linked to operational activity, any message, whether outgoing or incoming, may be read by persons other than the sender and/or recipient. In the event the data subjects would liketheir e-mail address to be removed from our archives, they may exercise their rights foreseen by the Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR 679/2016, by sending a notification to the email: