Destination Quote
Quote #: 2024/5/115    Issue Date:   06 May 2024

International Sea & Air Shipping
Attn: Avi Atary

Thank you for your request. Please find below our prices for your request.
Please feel free to contact us with any question or clarification.

Project Description


Standard Destination Service


Saint Amans-soult


40' container






60 CBM


Your rate from POE Fos sur Mer EUR 5,400

IMPORTANT!  This quote was generated automatically by the Rate-Wizard and it is based on cargo size and location. It might not include special requests (if any) that you specified in your request. Please check "Terms and Conditions" below for inclusions/exclusions.

Need more rates? Just Click here whenever you need an instant rate (24x7)!

Rates include:













-Normal customs clearance













-Collection of container/consignment from arrival port/terminal/airport













-Delivery to single “normal Access” residence













-Professional unwrapping, uncrating, and placement of furniture













-Reassembly of furniture that does not require specialist assembly or the services of 3rd party trade people. (Any item that requires two or more people over 30 minutes to service will be deemed to require specialist assembly)













-Unpacking and placing china, glassware, and clothing, and other items onto a countertop, table, bed or other flat surface in the room of the client's choice













-Removal of packing materials / debris at the time of delivery.













-Shipments exceeding 5000 lbs will be entitled a separate debris collection provided that the delivery has been made to a mainland address within 30 miles of the destination city center













-Uncrating of up to 10 crates per shipment













-Return of empty container to arrival terminal













-Delivery of upright piano to ground floor only.

Rates exclude:

-Destination THC , see pricing below:

Ports Le Havre and Fos Sur Mer (if not prepaid)

LCL shipment = 80 to 350 EUR per cbm gross, billing at cost + admin fees 10%

FCL 20ft container = 350 EUR per container, billing at cost + admin fees 10%

FCL 40ft container = 400 EUR per container, billing at cost + admin fees 10%

FCL 40ftHC container = 450 EUR per container, billing at cost + admin fees 10%

Destination THC at Airports at Paris, Marseille, Lyon and Toulouse airport

 0.25 EUR per kgs acw (minimum 100 EUR)




-Customs duty, taxes and other government charges payable on the consignment




-Special customs examination requiring off site inspection




-Container/Airline rent and demurrage




-Second delivery point or access outside Allied International agreed specification




-Storage rental and handling charges.








-Steam cleaning and fumigation etc. if required.




-Terminal handling charges




-Demurrage, Port storage fees etc. arising due to circumstances beyond our control




-Services outside the terms of the Allied Service Charter





Additional Services

Stair carry beyond 2nd floor - € 10.00 - Rate per CBM per floor (rate applies only to floors beyond second floor)


Carry beyond 25 meters - € 10.00 - Rate per CBM per 25 meters (rate applies only to distance beyond first 25 meters)                


Inside elevator use - € 7.50 - Rate per CBM (rate applies to all Elevator use irrespective of floor level of delivery)        


External elevator use - € 575.00 - Flat Rate         


Shuttle Service - € 12.00 - Rate per CBM


Warehouse Handling - € 15.00 - Rate per CBM


Monthly Storage - € 5.50 - Rate per CBM


Uncrating - € 35.00 - Rate per crate, 10 crates free of charge        


Upright Piano Handling - € 350.00 - Flat rate for delivery to ground floor, +150 EUR per floor        


Extra stop within 30 miles / 50 kilometers of the primary service location - € 350.00 - Flat charge per additional stop


Parking Permit – As per outlay – Flat charge


Additional remarks / Terms of service

** Normal access is defined as

 A single mainland residence accessed by direct road route. Vehicle must be able to gain legal and safe access and park within 25 meters of the ground floor entrance to a house or an apartment door. Collection and/or delivery must be able to take place through an unobstructed entrance/stairs/elevator large enough to accommodate all goods.                                 

Collection and/or delivery will be from/to the ground floor or the second floor (assuming that the ground floor is the first floor) An additional fee will be charged for the use of an elevator        




Rates should be used in conjunction with the appropriate rates appended to Origin city.


Minimums / Maximums (Container maximums do not apply for multiple containers)




FCL Sole Use 

20' container: 2000 lbs.                        

40' container: Loose Packed - 6000 lbs  / Lift Van Packed - 5000 lbs                        

40' High Cube container: Loose Packed - 6000 lbs  / Lift Van Packed - 5000 lbs



500 lbs



1000 lbs


SIRVA / Allied France

1 rue du 1er Mai

CS 10147

92752 Nanterre Cedex, France

